Sunday, January 22, 2012

It had to be done....

I sat today and had a long talk with myself. I said

"'s a new year. Times they are a changing and you need to change with them. You need to think twice before you spend money on somthing that you want and not need. You need to start going to church a little more than once a year. You need to be nicer to folks who are less fortunate and suck up to those who have power over you. You need to listen to others rather than just waiting to speak your mind.

And then I looked down at my body and said...

and so....I"m on a diet...AGAIN.


  1. lol
    me too darlin. lost 2 lbs last week, wanna be diet buddies?

  2. *grinz* @ fat going to boobs.. ummm *coughs* I'll share some of mine *smiles sweetly* ... that would probably take another 2 or 3 pounds off of me ... lol it is said that dd breasts weight 8 pounds (lol I read it somewhere susie q) well I figure mine are d's so they gotta be down to 6.. right?? still too freaking heavy... lol huggsss and good luck on the weight loss train.. been there done that have the t-shirts.. ummm but now if I lose anymore weight the husband has threatened to have padding made so I can keep wearing the clothes I have... *shrugs and grinz* Hugggsssssssssssss both of ya..
