Saturday, January 5, 2013


Well, it's that time of year again....THE PLAY OFFS

It's been quiet on here about the game this year, I was trying to be nice and not make fun of certain teams. (Sue...ummmm....about those Lions.....)

Any way, here we are, down to the good ones and it's nice to see that most of us have an interest this year!!!!

Once again, Froggie's 49ers are in the hunt and they are good. Their back up QB is better than some starters (coughRomocough) I wish them luck especially if they end up playing the Packers!

Bug has got to be creamin her jeans...a year ago, who would have ever imagined a boy named RG iii could make such a difference in the nation's capitol!!! They have been exciting...GO REDSKINS!!! (coughtheybeatRomocough)

And hold onto your hats...TEXAS has a team in the play offs!!!! I am kind of pulling for them to win one or two more. They are young...and a few years back this guy named Seth Payne use to play for them. He's from my hometown and my brother use to coach him in Pop Warner!!! (coughswhereRomoshouldbeplayingcough)

Of course, the Packers are there once again. I think they were pleased that a cowboy was wearing one of their stetsons and wanted to show him how the game should be played. Besides, when your line looks this can't lose!

(thinks about adding him to the closet invite list)

There should be some good games...hopefully all of our teams will win the first round at least....after that...who the hell knows what can happen


ps..Drench...congrats to the Ducks!!!! As far as the Gators...(coughsRomorelativescough)

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