I just wanted to say thank you for the blogs and messages sent about my dad passing, I know I've commented a lot over the years that I would be ready when he went, because well it just didn't seem like the same man I knew. But I was very wrong. It hurts and it hurts a lot... smiles but as someone we all know kinda well keeps tellin me or has told me I'm a strong woman and I will get through this with time.
I wanted to share something very special with you guys, my middle nephew, Brandon wrote a poem to read at the memorial service, the other four grandsons went up with him, and they were all five wearing one of Papas ties. That was a big deal for them, smiles. The poem Brandon wrote and read, and actually managed to get through, had everyone in the funeral home crying. Even the gentleman who did the service was crying. So I'd like to share what he wrote with you. It helped me see my dad through the older boys eyes, the younger two never got to know the man he was. But they get to hear about it from the three older ones... Thank you Scotty and Jentle one for the beautiful blogs.. it meant a lot to me. ~Love ya, me~
To: Papa From: the Family
How do you say goodbye to the best man you knew?
A man who taught you everything you know how to do,
He taught you to fish, and in your beliefs firmly stand,
He took you from a boy, and made you a man.
How do you say goodbye to the best man you knew?
A man whose love for his grandsons, daughters and wife was to true,
Who could take a broken heart and make it new,
And could fix anything with a wrench, screwdriver and a gun shooting glue.
How do you say goodbye to the best man you knew?
A man who would give the shirt off his back to me or you,
Who had your back when no one else did,
And was there at every game, chanting your name the loudest every time it was said....
But now we must say goodbye to the best man we knew!
Far mush soon than we were ready too,
But in this world if its the only thing we do,
I hope its to become half as great as you.
Thomas Earl Rollins, The Best Man We Knew.
Then he signed his and the other boys names at the end. If this is a little messed up its cause I couldn't get through it without crying, but then I knew that would happen.