Monday, August 9, 2010

A little dirty stuff ...

Dirty Dancing - Final Dance - Time of my Life
Uploaded by Schutzengerl1205. - Watch feature films and entire TV shows.


  1. thanks Scott.Lee...I love that movie. And now my question of the day...can you move your hips like Patrick?

  2. pffft ... I taught him how to do that ...

  3. *coughs* LOL you go stuff.. I saw that movie so much when I was pregnant with my first son I dreamt about it.. lol I went through the health clinic and that played it everytime I had a check-up.. I'm like OH YEAH this is what all us pregnant ladies need *giggles*... It is a good movie though..

  4. I agree.. a great movie.....gets my blood pumpin......
    (waits for a demonstration of the hip movement)
