Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year

Here again finding that I'm not really sure what I want to write ... this year has seen some very major changes in my life.. some good: losing 50+ pounds ain't so bad.. get to buy new clothes, lol and see the expressions on folks faces who haven't seen me for a while.. *grinz*, my kids are still happy and healthy, Josh is on the mend.. and I still have all my wonderful friends. Some bad things.. losing my Nanny toppin that list.. and losing touch with friends.. either around here at home or here online.. But over all it could have been a lot worse too (little Miss Mary Sunshine here *winks*)... And I'm very much looking forward to this coming New Year.. I'm very grateful to have what I have in my life.. My family, friends here (again see Kelly lol) and You guys here online.. Scotty, Dreamy, Jentle and our new buddy Sue.. you guys have helped me through more then you will ever know.. and hoping I have helped you too along the way... There have been some *grinz* wonderful surprises for me at the end of this year.. and I'm finally finding Me again.. I'm finally coming back to being the me that I enjoy being.. lol and the me that HUBBY enjoys me being *winks lol if ya know what I mean* *giggles*... anyways.. huggsssss you all and hoping you have a wonderful New Year.. As long as you have love, whether its the love of your family, friends that are around you.. or your friends that love you here online.. you are one of the richest people around... and I consider myself beyond rich :o) huggssss you again.. Love ya guys.. *blows kisses as I stroll out the door*

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

For Dreamy on Hump Day...

a little beetle lovin ...

some turtle lovin ...

LOL ...a dog and his pussy !

bet he's sayin ... " is it IN yet?"

Ladybug love ........

Ride 'em Dumbo !

and last but not least ... those fuckin monkey's !

Funny Videos & Song Lyrics

Wouldn't Be A Man

This song is just Wow... Josh Turner doing this song is even more wow.. the Video is so sweet and romantic.. and *sigh* the very beautiful VERY pregnant lady in the video is his VERY lucky wife... Don Williams (an older timer favorite of mine) did this song first and did a great job ... but Josh Turner has made it his own...Enjoy... this is an awesome song to dance to... *smiles*

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Edition... FUN...

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial

3. When do you put up the tree seems to get later every year

4. When do you take the tree down? lol when I find the time

5. Do you like eggnog? lol if Teresa (mother in law) makes it

6. Favorite gift received as a child? *grinz* race track

7. Hardest person to buy for? Josh

8. Easiest person to buy for? Cooper (till he gets a little older*grinz*)

9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Both if I have the time..

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Anything given from the heart is a good gift ;) ... (mushy huh?)

12. Favorite Christmas movie? The Grinch... always.. cartoon or movie

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? lol soon as I can get the money

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Ummmmm *grinz*

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Clemontines.. lol dunno why but I'm hooked on those little oranges...

16. Lights on the tree? Multi-color

17. Favorite Christmas song? Christmas Shoes, by New Song.. listen and make sure you have a box of tissues

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel locally

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Nope... lol

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel this year.. depends..

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We do one Christmas Eve, and the rest Christmas Day.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The pissy attitudes.. it's CHRISTMAS folks.. Jesus' birthday.. CELEBRATE it

23. Favorite ornament theme or color Snowmen, Snowmen and more Snowmen

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? All of it (?) lol

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? My kids/family/friends to be happy and healthy

26. Who is most likely to respond to this? Kelly

27. Who is least likely to respond to this? lol lots of people... :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas

I've been thinking on what to post for a while, wanting to wish everyone a wonderful and great Christmas, *soft smiles* Dreamy got one of the greatest gifts ever, enjoy darlin... and looking forward to more good news from you.. Jentle got to go home, another wonderful gift.. *wicked ass grinz* Thanks for the stripper pole by the way, I'm having it installed in the closet *winks*... lol Scotty got to enjoy the adventures of his wonderful spirited angel that he calls Kalli.. and I am spending time with the people that mean the most to me in the world.. my family and my friends.. Kelly with me.. and you guys here online.. Scotty keeps asking me what I want for Christmas... well I think I've just gotten it.. knowing that everyone is safe and doing well is one of the greatest gifts we can ever have.. mushy, yeah.. sentimental yeah.. *sheepish grinz* But then that is me... I love you guys a lot and want nothing but the best for you in the following year to come. We've all had our rough spots, and come through them together.. that says a lot to me.. I'm posting the following video its a tear jerker I'm gonna warn you now.. but it just kinda says it way better then I can ... and it also shows some of our fella's from overseas coming home.. Watch enjoy, cry a little.. it helps sometimes ;o) and smile a lot.. Love you all and hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a VERY VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR...

Monday, December 20, 2010

My own Christmas Miracle

Many of you know that I have been sick and hence the reason I haven't been around much lately. In September I was diagnosed with stage 4 (metastatic) cancer. The PET scan showed over 20 active tumors in my lungs. I was started on chemo...again... and told I would be lucky to survive 2 years. Needless to say, we all were devastated. The outlook was very grim. Add to that, I have been down with every cold and bug and double ear infection that came my way. Guess my immune system took a puke....grins.


After just 2 months of weekly chemo, I had another PET scan to "restage" me and see if the chemo is working. Much to the doctor's surprise, my scan showed that some of the tumors were gone and the rest showed NO metabolic activity...aka they were dead tumors. This is so much better than we ever expected. I will get 3 more months of chemo to fight off anything small and lingering and then get another scan. If that comes back clear, they will consider me in remission. It might only last months or it may last years..... never know. But however long it lasts, I am going to take my Christmas miracle and run with it. I live each day the best I can and try to LIVE not die.

Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. I believe God has a reason for what happens. Maybe I just needed a wake up call.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, whatever your beliefs. Be well, be safe, be happy.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mama said there'd be days like this ...

6:00 PM - December 18th, 2010 : This was a night of several Christmas/ Holiday commitments I had made. I dressed and left my home and picked up my date on time.

7:05 PM - My date and I arrived at the party and began a night with good friends, good food and good drink.

11:15 PM - I receive a call from Jamie, (Kalli’s mother), she says… “things are ok … I need you to come to the Police Station … NOW Scott … Kalli is with me … “. I started looking around the room for my date, she was dancing with a friend of ours. I politely cut in on their dance. I explained to her that I needed to leave and she was welcome to come with me, I would come back and get her or I would get her a ride home .. but I had to excuse myself. We made our exit.

11:40 PM - I opened the passenger door of my truck helping my date out and I am still trying to figure out what Jamie had got into. She knew that I knew most of the officers but she also knew sometimes that didn’t matter. As I held the door open for my date to enter the foyer … all faces turned to the opened door. A very good friend of mine that is on the department was standing behind the counter. He gave me a little nod and looked over to the left corner of the room. There sat my daughter and her mother. The whispers were all aroud the room as I made my way to the counter. I am watching in the mirror as my date makes her way over to corner that Jamie and Kalli are in. I notice that she is stopping and speaking with more than a few people on the way. Carl tells me they were waiting on me. Then he very quietly says … “work with me”. I was then asked to take a seat with the other “PARENTS” … As I made my way over to THAT corner, the only eyes on me then was my dates. Jamie and Kalli were looking through the opposite wall. Carl began to gather some papers up and was making his way from behind the counter. I glanced over at the two of them again. Jamie is sitting with her fingers laced in her lap, slowly swinging her crossed leg. Kalli has developed a horrible bounce in her right leg but she did shoot me a look from the corner of her eye… briefly. As I listen to Carl I began to look at the others in the room. Tammy and her parents, Ralene and her Dad, Sonie and her parents, Kim and her Mom and Grandmother, Baylee and her Mom, brother and Mia and her parents.
Seems that my Kalli had attended Mia’s sleepover. The girls decided to do a little number on a “not so cool fella” from school. Seems Alex was still awake when the T.P. Bandits struck at his home. I am thinking to myself as I am listening … "this is not so bad. The kid probably is an ass." … Carl says to us … he wanted us to see and hear exactly what this family saw out their bay windows …

He called all the girls up front. He asked them to please mask themselves as they were at that home and on three … he wanted them to share their battle cry with their family members.

I adjusted my hat down a little and was wishing I was at the dentist or something. ANYWHERE but here….

These young ladies placed maxi pads with holes cut for eyes over their faces, and as Carl counted to three they shyly proclaimed … “SUCK IT!” At this point … I could feel Jamie’s eyes on me. ( I didn’t look at her.) To make sure we heard them, Carl asked that they show us again.

He then gave them the routine lecture that they give for first time T.P. criminals … then he has the parents decide as a group what would be a good punishment… they were released on OUR own recognizance …

9:00 AM - December 19th, 2010… This morning I picked up all the little hellions along with trash bags … not only did they clean up the “scene of the crime” … it was windy here this AM … so their T.P. had blown around the neighborhood. So … with maxi pad mask strapped on … they walked the neighborhood picking up all evidence.

As I took Kalli home I asked if she learned anything from all this … while wrapping her maxi pad mask around her dainty little wrist she replied … “Yes Scottie … to paint our mask black and to not yell out … and we are gonna tell him at school when we go back… he sucks DOUBLE now…”

Momma said there'd be days like this …

Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas from the closet

Merry Christmas everyone. I've missed being on here and on Lit, but life tossed me a few curves. As always, I have survived and now am ready to go home for Christmas...only 17 hours and 3 min til my flight leaves, but who is counting!

I hope each and every one of you has a beautiful holiday, filled with special memories of days gone by ....and one wonderful moment that will make a new memory for you to cherish. I hope that Santa brings you what you asked for (good luck with that stripper pole Buggg) and that the child in each of you lives again on December 25th.

Merry Christmas to the nicest people I have ever met on line..God Bless You...everyone....

trish aka jentle

Thursday, December 9, 2010


The Office Party
John, woke up after the annual office Christmas party with a pounding headache, cotton-mouthed and utterly unable to recall the events of the preceding evening.

After a trip to the bathroom, he made his way downstairs, where his wife put some coffee in front of him. "Louise," he moaned, "tell me what happened last night. Was it as bad as I think?"

"Even worse," she said, her voice oozing scorn. "You made a complete ass of yourself. You succeeded in antagonizing the entire board of directors and you insulted the president of the company, right to his face."

"He's an asshole," John said. "Piss on him."

"You did," came the reply. "And he fired you."

"Well, screw him!" said John.

"I did. You're back at work on Monday."

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


First Christmas Joke - and it's Scottish..........

A man in Scotland calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says,
"I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough".

"Dad, what are you talking about?'" the son screams.

"We can't stand the sight of each other any longer", the father says. "We're sick of each other and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her".

Frantically, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone, "Like hell they're getting divorced", she shouts, "I'll take care of this".

She calls Scotland immediately and screams at her father, "You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?"and hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife.
"Done! They're coming for Christmas - and they're paying their own way."

Scott Report

Some of you knew I was having a little procedure started this AM ... had a small skin cancer removed from my head earlier today. All bad stuff was removed ... I go back in the AM to have it closed.

Thanks for all the good wishes and concern ...

My doctors instructions were as follows : everyone should be nice to you ... do NOT get out of bed ... eat anything you want ... in bed ... and all the ice cream you want ... until further notice.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Tune

I know I probably played this last year... but this is one of my favorite Christmas songs, even though it makes me cry everytime.... Hope you guys enjoy it... The message behind it is timeless...

Tis the Season

Sunday, December 5, 2010


The Roadrunner ...................


I'm still a mega kid when it comes to watchin cartoons.. I like most of them OK I really like the oldies lol... they are doing this thing in facebook ... of where you post a picture of the cartoon you watchend when you were a kid... well here's mine, and I'm still watching it lol ... lets see yours :o)

Friday, December 3, 2010

My, how time flies........

Seems like forever since I had the time or energy to post here. I really don't have either, but I just can't do one more thing that doesn't require sitting today. I'm too wired to sleep and my head still hurts like hell from my cold. Hasn't been a great day at Dreamy's house. To tell the truth, the last few weeks haven't been all that great either.
We had a nice Thanksgiving at my good friend's house in NY state, but with my low blood counts from chemo, I ended up with the mother of all colds. I still can't breathe, my sinuses hurt and I cough all night. My ears sound like they are full of water. I can hear gurgling when I turn my head. UGH. Dr. has me on antibiotics and inhalers and icky cough medicine. No danger of me getting addicted to it... it's NASTY. Although I feel better, it's still not very good. This is my week off from chemo so that's one good thing. I also have next week off because it's time for me to get my PET scan on the 10th. It has to be 2 weeks or more after chemo in order not to get a false positive. That means I have to skip next week too and then start back again the next Wednesday. Please pray hard that this chemo is working!I don't want to start from day 1 again!

Today didn't help anything. I got to sleep maybe about 3:30 last night when all the meds kicked in. I was vaguely awake when the hubby left at 5:30am to do some charity begging in town. You know...donate some cash and they give you a lil piece of paper for a good cause. They were all over town today. Anyhow..... about 6:10am I hear a small bang against my bedroom door and I wake to look up and see my 24 yr old daughter standing there.... washcloth to her eye area... covered in blood... dripping off her elbow. (I cleaned my carpets on Monday, BTW) She was disoriented and faint. I led her out of my room to her bathroom to sit her down. Her bathroom looked like a scene from CSI. Blood was everywhere. Apparently she got up to go the bathroom, turned on her light and everything went blurry and she passed out. We figure she hit her head on the marble ledge outside the shower. She must have been laying there unconscious for a time. The thick terry bath mat had a blood spot bigger than a dinner plate and showing signs of blood soaking back up from the bottom in places. It was congealing on top. I picked it up to throw it in the sink and it was dripping. I threw a towel on the floor to keep from spreading blood everywhere. I forced her to take the cloth away so I could look at her face. Good Lord...I saw bone. She had hit on the brow bone. The laceration was from over an inch above the brow , down through the brow and to the eye crease and then sideways about a half inch. It gaped open almost an inch. There are times I am glad I am a nurse. With a very calm and poker face I said. "Honey, that's gonna need some stitches. Let's get dressed." THEN it got interesting. I'm not good in the morning. I had to get dressed, get her dressed, calm the other two girls who had awakened by this time and were sure she was dying and get on the road. For some reason it never entered my mind to call the EMTs. She was lucid by that time and neuro signs were ok. I called the neighbor and headed out on the snowy and slippery roads to get to the hospital...about 15 minutes away. (Did you all hear about that wonderful lake effect snow in western NY and PA?)
Luckily we got to the ER before the major fender benders of rush hour traffic started. They took her right in. One of the resident drs referred to it as the "grand canyon" of lacerations. She wasn't cool with that. What tact with a young girl who already thinks she will be ugly and scarred for life. I wanted to smack him. She had an EKG, CT scan, brain scan and bloodwork to match what she lost on the floor. They didn't find a reason for the faint, but determined nothing was broken or bleeding internally. We opted... much to the dismay and maybe anger of the attending ER dr...... to wait till the plastic surgeon could get out of the OR and come stitch her back together. I won't settle for "a good job" when I can get the best job. And he did do a wonderful job on her. I got a lil antsy when he was stitching her eyelid, but I never was good with eyeballs...LOL. All in all she had a layer of 8 stitches then a layer of 9 and then a layer of 14 to close the skin. She severed a nerve that runs through the brow and part of the top of her head is a little numb. Dr said the feeling might or might not come back. Could be worse. When he cleaned it, he showed us how much bone was exposed. I could only see half of it before because of the blood. It was wild. I thought my hubby (who showed up about 11 am.. just in time for suturing) was going to fall over. The dr was amazed at how calm she was. I reminded him of the good drugs they gave her...LOL. Problem with that was that they made her nauseated. Can't have everything I guess...LOL. We had to wait a long time for all the tests to come back and finally get discharged. While we waited, the school called to say my middle child was barfing all over the bathroom. She got herself worked up at lunch and was crying. Her way of dealing with stress is crying and then she makes herself sick. I sent her dad to deal with her. HE wasn't happy either. *grins* Finally we got out of the ER and home about 3:30. I made the oldest some soup and crackers, checked on the other sickie, sent the hubby back to work, tucked the bloody one into bed and then collapsed on the couch about 4:30. Oh darn...I forgot about dinner and laundry and homework. I managed to get about 20 minutes in before all hell broke loose again.
SO..... all are in bed now. The bathroom mess is cleaned, as are the carpets again. All are showered and in bed. I had to shower with the oldest in order to wash the blood out of her hair and not get the area wet. She really isn't the one I have dreamed of showering with...hehehe. Needless to say the hubby shuffled off to bed about 8pm. Not much help, that one.
I think I am too tired to rest. I get that way. I'll unwind in a couple hours. And as they say... tomorrow is another day.
Sigh... ok...for those of you that managed to read through all of this and not run screaming from TMI or boredom.... thanks for letting me vent. I hate to complain and whine, but sometimes ya just gotta let it out. *smiles* I feel better now.
I've been reading your blogs, which are a bit slower than usual, but it's the holidays and people get busy. I hope you all have a great Christmas and God gives you everything you need. Notice I didn't say "want". Keep me in your prayers. I just want one thing this year and I think you know what it is. I really NEED it too. C'mon God.... be my Santa.
Take care and have a great weekend. I've been thinking about you! Hugs all around...

something to remember....