Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas

I've been thinking on what to post for a while, wanting to wish everyone a wonderful and great Christmas, *soft smiles* Dreamy got one of the greatest gifts ever, enjoy darlin... and looking forward to more good news from you.. Jentle got to go home, another wonderful gift.. *wicked ass grinz* Thanks for the stripper pole by the way, I'm having it installed in the closet *winks*... lol Scotty got to enjoy the adventures of his wonderful spirited angel that he calls Kalli.. and I am spending time with the people that mean the most to me in the world.. my family and my friends.. Kelly with me.. and you guys here online.. Scotty keeps asking me what I want for Christmas... well I think I've just gotten it.. knowing that everyone is safe and doing well is one of the greatest gifts we can ever have.. mushy, yeah.. sentimental yeah.. *sheepish grinz* But then that is me... I love you guys a lot and want nothing but the best for you in the following year to come. We've all had our rough spots, and come through them together.. that says a lot to me.. I'm posting the following video its a tear jerker I'm gonna warn you now.. but it just kinda says it way better then I can ... and it also shows some of our fella's from overseas coming home.. Watch enjoy, cry a little.. it helps sometimes ;o) and smile a lot.. Love you all and hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a VERY VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR...


  1. *wipes my tears* Must be the chemo making my eyes water! We ARE blessed aren't we? Have a wonderful holiday with your family. Group hugs all around!
