Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mama said there'd be days like this ...

6:00 PM - December 18th, 2010 : This was a night of several Christmas/ Holiday commitments I had made. I dressed and left my home and picked up my date on time.

7:05 PM - My date and I arrived at the party and began a night with good friends, good food and good drink.

11:15 PM - I receive a call from Jamie, (Kalli’s mother), she says… “things are ok … I need you to come to the Police Station … NOW Scott … Kalli is with me … “. I started looking around the room for my date, she was dancing with a friend of ours. I politely cut in on their dance. I explained to her that I needed to leave and she was welcome to come with me, I would come back and get her or I would get her a ride home .. but I had to excuse myself. We made our exit.

11:40 PM - I opened the passenger door of my truck helping my date out and I am still trying to figure out what Jamie had got into. She knew that I knew most of the officers but she also knew sometimes that didn’t matter. As I held the door open for my date to enter the foyer … all faces turned to the opened door. A very good friend of mine that is on the department was standing behind the counter. He gave me a little nod and looked over to the left corner of the room. There sat my daughter and her mother. The whispers were all aroud the room as I made my way to the counter. I am watching in the mirror as my date makes her way over to corner that Jamie and Kalli are in. I notice that she is stopping and speaking with more than a few people on the way. Carl tells me they were waiting on me. Then he very quietly says … “work with me”. I was then asked to take a seat with the other “PARENTS” … As I made my way over to THAT corner, the only eyes on me then was my dates. Jamie and Kalli were looking through the opposite wall. Carl began to gather some papers up and was making his way from behind the counter. I glanced over at the two of them again. Jamie is sitting with her fingers laced in her lap, slowly swinging her crossed leg. Kalli has developed a horrible bounce in her right leg but she did shoot me a look from the corner of her eye… briefly. As I listen to Carl I began to look at the others in the room. Tammy and her parents, Ralene and her Dad, Sonie and her parents, Kim and her Mom and Grandmother, Baylee and her Mom, brother and Mia and her parents.
Seems that my Kalli had attended Mia’s sleepover. The girls decided to do a little number on a “not so cool fella” from school. Seems Alex was still awake when the T.P. Bandits struck at his home. I am thinking to myself as I am listening … "this is not so bad. The kid probably is an ass." … Carl says to us … he wanted us to see and hear exactly what this family saw out their bay windows …

He called all the girls up front. He asked them to please mask themselves as they were at that home and on three … he wanted them to share their battle cry with their family members.

I adjusted my hat down a little and was wishing I was at the dentist or something. ANYWHERE but here….

These young ladies placed maxi pads with holes cut for eyes over their faces, and as Carl counted to three they shyly proclaimed … “SUCK IT!” At this point … I could feel Jamie’s eyes on me. ( I didn’t look at her.) To make sure we heard them, Carl asked that they show us again.

He then gave them the routine lecture that they give for first time T.P. criminals … then he has the parents decide as a group what would be a good punishment… they were released on OUR own recognizance …

9:00 AM - December 19th, 2010… This morning I picked up all the little hellions along with trash bags … not only did they clean up the “scene of the crime” … it was windy here this AM … so their T.P. had blown around the neighborhood. So … with maxi pad mask strapped on … they walked the neighborhood picking up all evidence.

As I took Kalli home I asked if she learned anything from all this … while wrapping her maxi pad mask around her dainty little wrist she replied … “Yes Scottie … to paint our mask black and to not yell out … and we are gonna tell him at school when we go back… he sucks DOUBLE now…”

Momma said there'd be days like this …


  1. OMG LMAO This brought tears to my eyes as I almost fell off the couch laughing! And now I am struck with the awful thought that 9 or 10 yrs from now I may be going thru this with my girly.

  2. Send her over and I'll teach her how NOT to get caught...... *giggles*
    (vaguely remembers something about acorns and trees....)

  3. LOL Kelly and I are dying laughing...(tears rolling laughin) lol I'm so sorry, but this is totally funny.. Kell says she is going to send her daughter to you, cause she can see her doing this.. *giggles*.... Still *grinning and shakin my head*... All I can say is its great you have a sense of humor about this *grinz* and ummm ever heard the term... "It's only the beginning?"

  4. OHHHH by the way ummm how in the world did they have come up with the maxi pad face mask.. lol that took a lot of creativity... you gotta give em an A for being original.. and HOW on earth did you keep a straight face.. huggssss tight.. and umm Merry Christmas darlin..

  5. lol ... yeah yeah yeah ... and I didn't keep a straight face ... thats why the little ladies knew they in good hands on the sentencing ... the kicker is ... Carl and I were caught years ago doing the same thiong ... we just didn't yell "SUCK IT!" as we ran away. THAT must be a girl thang .... NO wait .... I didnt mean it that way ... *shuts up*

  6. *giggles* AIN"T saying a damn thing.. lol cept I really do love that girl ....

  7. I think this is TOO funny. Kids, got to love em.
