Monday, May 16, 2011


ok i dont often share personal stuff here, but today i am. i am finally going to meet him today. aftr 18 months of online stuff and phone calls. well if things work out, he is coming to michigan on a business trip with another guy. he will call me when he gets here. i am nervous as hell. what if he doesn't like what he sees? what if i fuck this up? sighs...just waiting for the phone call now.....


  1. hugggssssssssss HE will love you cause HE loves you.. simple as that.. things will go wonderful and YOU will finally have an even more awesome memory to add to all the rest of them... huggssss loves ya...

  2. awwww thank you, i sure hope things go ok. hugsssssss back and loves ya too!

  3. Sue I have to have your # to make that call when I get there !

  4. grinz, hmmmm shouldn't you already have my # Scottie?
