Friday, November 1, 2013

"Something About a Rainy Morning"

~There is something about a rainy morning, especially when the wind is blowing and it’s still dark enough to look like its still night time. Something about staying cuddled up in bed, covers pulled up close, nice and warm, especially when you are sharing that warmth and bed with someone special. ~There is also something about being all cuddled in that bed on that rainy morning, with that someone special (sweet smiles)… bare bodies brushing against each other as you lay facing each other in the bed, talking quietly. Hands brushing softly agaisnt them, smiles and not quite by accident. Something about the rain makes you want to try to be as quiet as possible. And when that someone special leans in and kisses you softly. Your lips brushing theirs bodies moving in even closer, tongues teasing each other. Chests brushing together, nipples so hard they ache. Feeling like you are the only two people in the world at that moment in time. ~There is something about the heat those bodies make as they come together, touching, tasting, loving and just letting passion over-take them in that quiet rainy morning, moans filling the room, no longer able to keep quiet yourself … mmmm I think there is just really something about a nice cozy rainy morning smiles how about you? ~tray~