Thursday, July 22, 2010

I know this isn't everyone's cup o'tea, but today while running around the track at the gym, this song came on. I've been under so much pressure, moreso than I ever thought I could be under. Not just from the ex - although he's contributing his fair share - but with work, with life, with money, with all of it... so much stress.

I was pounding it out on the track, running every frustration out after attacking the elliptical machine for five miles. Step after step, minute after minute, mile after mile. I listened to this song over and over.... as I ran.

Sure, it's from a guy's perspective, but, listen to the emotion behind the lyrics. Listen to it and catch a glimpse of what once was my life....


  1. That was very deep, I think at one point in everyone's lives we've all felt exactly like what the words in this song talk about... I'm a fan of Eminim myself.. YES even my old ass can appreciate his music *grinz*... Not to say I like all of it... but the boy gets right to the heart of a situation.. and you can tell that there is real emotion in his words.. he raps about life... hugggssssssss I know you've heard this, probably a zillion times, but things will get better.. (I've been in your shoes, so to speak, hell when I was your age and look at me now, *grinz* NOT saying it will take you till you are in your 40's to be happy *smiles*).. It just takes time hon and gettin through those rough patches.. more huggsss your way... you've got some very good friends on here, with broad shoulders.. and would be glad to listen anytime.. *smiles* ...

  2. a D to the I to the doubble T to the O !

