Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Phone Sex

Take your hands and close your eyes
And picture me touching your thighs
Do you feel your body next to me
I'm in your mind
But physically
It feels so real when we're on the phone
The way you talk, the way you moan
I put your body to the test
It's not a fantasy but it's phone sex

It's been quite some time since I've had a little fun on the phone....


  1. Very nice Iffy, :) but what is this phone sex they are talking about? Is it anything like the cyber sex I hear people talking about.. *sigh* I guess I'll find out once day .... *grinz*

  2. Well HELLO!

    I think I will take about 6 weeks of that...

  3. let me get back with you on that ... I want to get a NEW phone first ... don't want her to feel like she is gettin seconds .... or thirds ... etc ...

  4. Mmm...I just had some last night. If you don't have someone lying next to you in bed, the next best thing is that sexy voice wrapping around you in the dark as you lie in bed...drifting off to sleep with the echos still throbbing...
