I honestly don't think anyone will ever forget what they were doing that day, I know I won't. I was at work on the phone with a friend of ours, he and his wife were from New York, and he was the one that told me what was going on.. at first I thought ok that is not funny.. he was very serious.. and then I heard the other phones at work start ringing more, and I heard the news come across the little radio I had on my desk that day... that little radio, told me and those I worked with exactly what was happening, it was one of the scariest news breaks I'd ever heard, and then (I worked for St. Farm at the time) they put t.v's with footage and news updates, so that we could see what was going on. And the attack on the pentagon.. so close.. D.C. is about an hour or so away.. a lot of people from here work there. (Tyler said he will never forget how it felt when the Principal of his school came in and asked one of the little girls in his class to come with him for a while.. her mom worked at the Pentagon, that little girl lost her mom that day.) One of the first things I did after hearing about all this was sit down and thank God my family were all close by. The next thing I did was go over to a g/f of mine that worked with me.. Her family all lived in New York.. her sister was supposed to have taught a class in one of the trade building. Finally my friend Leslie got in touch with her mom, they had moved her sisters class at the last minute to another area. God was watching out for her that day. I can honestly say I will never forget that day. And as susie said I hope no one ever had to go through what those families have had to go through and are still dealing with to this day. So where were you when the world stopped turning?
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