Saturday, October 15, 2011

10 Things...

We all know each other here pretty well, but I bet there are a few things about you no one knows...So I challenge you to think of 10 things no one knows about you...the more embarrassing the better cause well we all love a good laugh right??

So here are my 10 things.

1. The reason I started liking Michigan State was because I liked the colors, green and white, better than U of M's maize and blue.

2. I have seen Barry Manilow, Jack Wagner and Richard Marx in concert.

3. I have fake finger nails.

4. I own 2 pairs of shoes. My almost 5 yr old daughter on the other hand owns 6 pairs.

5. Elvis died on my 10th birthday, August 16, 1977.

6. First time I had sex I was 17, he was 22. It was in the spare bedroom at my house in the bed that my step-father's mother used to sleep in. As a matter of fact, I think its the same bed she died in.

7. When I was a little kid my favorite pair of shoes were a pair of red cowboy boots. I also used to have this huge toy horse that bounced up and down on springs and I used to ride it wear said boots. And yes i have pictures some where to prove this.

8. My first job was as a waitress at a local burger joint. My 2nd job was at K-Mart, in the "intimate apparel" dept. I used to have to run "blue light specials" on bras and panties.

9. I kissed my first boy at the tender age of 6 and we used to show each other our thingys. Of course he was only 4...OMG

10. The love of my life when I was a kid was Shaun Cassidy. I still have his albums. My 2 cousins and I used to pretend we were his "Angels" and we would run around solving crimes.

oh and btw

GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!