Friday, November 25, 2011

a little late...

Since i had to leave at the butt crack of dawn yesterday to drive across the state with my daughter and parents, i never got the chance to say this....

I am so very thankful for all of you here. Thank you all for being my friend.


I am also so so very thankful for a certain guy from Wisconsin. Who took the time 2 yrs ago to say hi to me in Lit and wanted to get to know me better, and yes, at first it was just to get in my but it is so much more now. He is my best friend. Thank you Corwin for putting up with me...


  1. you wear pants? I thought you were a dress and no panties type a girl .....shrugs ....sometimes even I'm wrong :P

  2. been known to go commando a time or two Mr as a matter of fact. grinz
