Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Battle 2011

Well the undefeated Green Bay Cheeseheads, errr Packers are taking on my Detroit Lions tomorrow in an epic battle of Good vs Evil. May the best team win. (which will be the LIONS!!)

GO LIONS!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, here is my take on this upcoming game...I really believe the Pack will win...however, they better win it in the first half because the Lions are FANTASTIC usually in the 2nd half. I like the Lions and am very happy with the way they are playing...but I have loved the Packers for years and well..they are my team. Which ever team wins, I think it will be a good game...and Sue just remember one thing, no matter what else happens with the Lions this year...THEY KICKED THE CRAP OUT OF THE COWBOYS!!!!

    Now..Froggie..about you checken out the NFC west...the 49ers are ....lucky! Look who is in that wonder they are in first place.
    Make you a deal...if the Pack goes to play them...I'll meet you in San Fran...and after the can buy me dinner!!! *huggs ya*
