What is your favorite Smell?
The smell of fresh cut grass..pink carnations and a man fresh and clean from the shower
What is your favorite Color?
Orange of course!!!
What is your favorite flavor?
Chocolate...are ther other flavors..wow, I didn't know that
What is your favorite Holiday?
Thanksgiving...the smells, the family, the left over turkey
Which Season is your favorite?
I love the fall...the beautiful colors..the brisk air
Do you have a favorite Sport?
I like pro football..but I LOVE COLLEGE HOOPS!!!!
Can you play an Instrument?
a little piano...not well, but some
What music do you enjoy?
All of it. I like country, love old rock and roll, this week Andrew Lloyd Weber has been on my stereo for 3 nights in a row.
What is your favortie sound?
the sound of the ocean..the waves lapping up on the beach at sunrise or sunset..so peaceful.
and yes Bug...I like you!!!!
lol I'm so glad darlin I like you too hugggsssssss