Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My What Is....

What is your favorite Smell?
The smell of fresh cut carnations and a man fresh and clean from the shower

What is your favorite Color?
Orange of course!!!

What is your favorite flavor?
Chocolate...are ther other, I didn't know that

What is your favorite Holiday?
Thanksgiving...the smells, the family, the left over turkey

Which Season is your favorite?
I love the fall...the beautiful colors..the brisk air

Do you have a favorite Sport?
I like pro football..but I LOVE COLLEGE HOOPS!!!!

Can you play an Instrument?
a little piano...not well, but some

What music do you enjoy?
All of it. I like country, love old rock and roll, this week Andrew Lloyd Weber has been on my stereo for 3 nights in a row.

What is your favortie sound?
the sound of the ocean..the waves lapping up on the beach at sunrise or peaceful.

and yes Bug...I like you!!!!

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