Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today started a little different for my family, my friends and myself.

For some reason, a reason that I will probably never understand, my brother was taken from us.

Not only was he taken from a wife, two daughters and a son, a sister, nieces and nephews, his mother... but also from a younger brother that thought he was a pretty cool guy.

Things are not making much sense around here right now ... and I find myself wondering if they ever will again.

We hear that admitting there is a problem is the beginning of healing...

I am admitting there is a problem ... our family has a big hole in it.


4/22/56 - 2/10/11


  1. All my love to you and your family baby.

  2. oh Scott, I am so very very sorry. huggs and kissess

  3. I'm here when you need me. Much love to you and the family. Give the Lady a special hug from me.... then take one for yourself. I'll be keeping the prayers coming. So sorry babe.

  4. Huggssss you very tight.. as you know im just seeing this.. I am so sorry hon, and I know that doesnt begin to help.. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts, prayers and heart.. I am and will always be here for ya hon.. I'm honery like that *smiles*... Know you are loved.. and forever my friend and my Scotty..

  5. I am so sorry buddy.

    I really need to think on this before I post. I know the words have to be there.

    Holds you tight.

  6. Scott:

    I'm so truly sorry for your loss!


  7. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.

    ~hugs you gently and kisses your forehead lightly*
