Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tune Tuesday

Ok have you ever kept hearing a song over and over, it's almost like OK I'm trying to tell you something here.. Well I keep hearing this Tim Mcgraw song.. it's an older one but a great song.. So gonna blog it.. *smile*

Monday, September 27, 2010

Something normal bug?

You are doing something normal sweetie ... I would dance with you to this one ...

Well I love to dance too..

buckles touchin...your warm breath on his neck..his hands slowly rubbing up and down your back..yea...I love to dance.

Monday Music

This is a good belly rubbin song... *grinz* I love to dance..and just wanna do something normal lol does that make sense???

Sunday, September 26, 2010


My Nanny passed away yesterday Sat. 25, in the evening. I was there from morning till about 5 in the evening, we left to come home, and she died after I left. I stayed as long as I could, but just know she would not want us to just sit there and "gwack" at her... and I honestly don't think I could sit and watch her die. Everyone says she waited for my mom and I to leave before she passed, this very well may be true, I had gotten home and been here about 15 minutes when my mom called and let me know. Some of you know how I feel about saying goodbye, I don't say it to people I care about... having to say it to Nanny yesterday was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life.

I want to thank you all so much for everything, I cannot begin to express how much it means to me, I feel the love from my online friends as much if not more as I feel it from my friends here. Thank you so much... As I've said before, I will always keep all of you in my thoughts, prayers and heart... *smiles* Thanks again Mr. Scotty Lee... there's a special place for you in heaven.. *grinz* No matter what everyone else says *winks* Love ya bunches... hugsssssss.. She's up there and she's not suffering, and to me that is more then important than anything... Thanks again everyone...


Schaub vs Romo...who will win the battle of Texas???

They both look nice in those tight butt hugging football pants (the true reason I watch the game) but from a more objective standpoint

one can stand in the pocket and deliver

While the other............

Yea, I'm taking the Texans!!!

(^5s Jade)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

To traybug ...

There's a song baby that means alot ... the title is "If you could see where I am" ... my sister Deb would start singing this real low when would come around to and find me down after we lost our dad...check your mail.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers ...

I'm an unapologetic carnivore

Y'all can have the carrots and bananas. I prefer meat to fruit or veggies....

Friday, September 24, 2010

State Fair of TeXaS ...

You're ALL invited ... let me know when you're coming ...

some cotton candy ...
a candy apple ...

a few corny dogs ...

and a cup of cold beer to wash down your ...

fried beer ...


Hey guys,

Sorry this is a little late in coming, it's been a very LONG week. They took Nanny (my grandmother who was dianosed with lukemia) to the Martha Jefferson Hospital yesterday morning about 4 a.m., Gordon (my grandfather) and she had gotten up and she had to go to the bathroom, but her leg ended up giving out. My uncle and aunt (who live right down the road, Bobby and his wife) went over and helped him get her up. He called the hospice ambulance, and they took her on up.

She was in a room with another lady, but that woman stayed on the phone all day, so Nanny didn't get any rest at all. So they moved her to a private room, right next door, and she finally got some sleep. I spent most of yesterday up there, she was weak yesterday morning, but even weaker when we went back up yesterday afternoon. (She won't eat anything either... and that has it's own effects) The doctors say it's only a matter of times guys. I kept waiting for the phone to ring all night. It's been one of the hardest things I've ever done, in my life, I gotta tell you. But I'm doing it for her.. and me... I'm at work today, but going up as soon as I get off and get things straight at home, might leave early, dunno yet. I talked to Melissa, mom had called her, and said that things were basically the same, she was just even weaker..

Her white blood count went from 8,000 to over 400,000 in a very short time... so it's just basically eating her up. All I seem to do is cry, but that's all of us... Mom, me and Melissa.. and the rest of the family... But we do really good in front of Nanny, and she's still got and using that sense of humor of hers... *smiles* She told the nurse that was helping her check in yesterday, when she asked what Nanny was allergic to,... Nanny smiled and said make sure you put that I'm allergic to work.. IT's on all my charts.. *smiles*... She's also very lucid and knows what's going on, she told me yesterday that she wouldn't go home... and I think she's ready. It's like I've told people, it's in God's hands now, and I told mom last night on the way home, that Pat (my aunt) was up there waiting for her, and would probably tell her when she got there... "Hey Dick, what in the world took you so long?" ... *smiles* ... ok I gotta go now.. lol cause Im starting to cry... this is why I haven't been around much for the last few days, except to pop into yahoo or Lit and let Scotty know I'm doing ok.. thanks Scotty for listening hon huggsss, you are a most awesome friend... huggssssssss and loves ya... and thanks for being there ... Know you are all in my heart and my prayers... I got plenty of room for my online family too...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Proper Diet

Potassium is essential for the proper functioning of the heart, kidneys,
muscles, nerves, and digestive system

(you started it AGAIN Tex!!)


She's 13 ... OMG!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dreambaby ...

thinkin about ya ...

Amazes me ...

How that wonderful Vitamin K from carrots works... Ladies PLEASE remember to have carrots in the house ...


I think you could beat him!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chasing Pavements

I hear it's Tune in Tuesday... or Tuesday Tunes... or Tuesday in Tunes... ah, whatever. Enjoy the song!

blast from the past ....

Tuesday Tunes

This song has a good beat.. and he's not too hard to look at either.. lol even if he is a little on the young side ;) Enjoy...

Monday, September 20, 2010

and backatcha ...

Sometimes You Just Need a Smile

I know we all have stress and a lot going on in our lives.. so here's something just plain fun... *smiles* And I hope it makes you smile, laugh and just enjoy..

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What this blog has taught me

B stands for Boobs
T stands for Testicles
H stands for Head

Put them alllll together and you get.. O which stands for Overly Excited (as in Scott.Lee)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

*looks around*

Hides this from jentle .....

Happy Birthday to the sweet BUG!

No fancy post, just wishing you the best birthday. Better late than never to the party! LOL
Tight hugs

Happy Birthday to *points to BUG*

... everyone should have one ...
Love ya Bug !!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


(I know it's not a stetson, but the guy in the yellow hat reminds me of someone)


Happy Birthday Tray!!!!!!

I know I'm a couple hours early but I wanted to be the first to wish MY BESTEST FRIEND in the Whole World a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! She is the most wonderful, caring, loving. sweetest, and funniest person that I have ever met. I've never had a friend like her. She has been there for me through more than I can type on here and never asked for anything in return. She is always there to listen, tell you what you need to do *giggles*, and to me she's the smartest woman that I know. She is Auntie Tray to my kids. And she is my sister in all ways that count. I love you bunches!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRAY!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

this could be us some day

A priest decided to try something a little different for his Sunday service, so
he addressed his congrigation...

'Today, I am going to have you help me preach. Whatever
single word I say, I want you to sing the first hymn that comes to your mind.

So he shouted out the word 'CROSS.'

Immediately the congregation started singing in unison, 'THE OLD RUGGED CROSS.'

Then he hollered out 'GRACE.'

The congregation began to sing 'AMAZING GRACE, how sweet the sound.'

Next the pastor said 'POWER.'

In perfect harmony everyone sang 'THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD.'

Then the Pastor said 'SEX'

The congregation fell into total silence.....

All of a sudden, from way in the back of the Church, a little 87 year old grandmother stood up and began to sing


(I think she had toooooo much sacramental wine before the service!!!)

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I've been thinking about this for a long time, its kinda wild that Scotty would ask us to make a Sunday wish, when I've been wishing, hoping and praying for quite a few things lately in my life here at home and my online life and friends. I've tried not to be selfish with my wishes, and in all honesty I don't think they are... but maybe just a tad.. the selfish part being that I want all these wishes to help keep family and friends close to me for a very long time.

I try not to talk about things that are going on here at home, cause there are folks out there dealing with situations that would bring some of the strongest people I know to their knee's and I have the utmost respect for them. So when I include Miss. Deb/Dreamy in my prayers at night, she is in there with some people that are very VERY near and dear to me..

See Josh's grandma has been fighting her cancer for three years now, they gave her six months when she was first diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, the chemo she took, helped slow it down a lot, then they found more cancer in her collar bone, she's taking more chemo, she's decided shes' just not ready to stop fighting either, *soft smiles* She will be having her 75th birthday on Sept. 16 (the day after mine)... So I pray for her... His granddad was just diagnosed with lung cancer, on top of having crippling arthritis, and taking care of Glenna (the grandma I just mentioned).. I've seen how they love, care for and worry about each other.. goes to show that love may grow older, but it doesn't' dye or fade. I pray for him and hope we all are helping.. We do what we can to make their lives a little easier.. Josh's aunt, the one that is 6 yrs older then he is.. and 4 yrs younger then I am.. has just been diagnosed with MS.. so we're trying to help the family deal with this too...

These folks may not be my blood family, but they are as much my family as my blood family is... they've been wonderful to me.. I will make damn sure I give and help as much as I can... and then some.

On my side of the family, I just found out about two weeks ago that my nanny, the woman who has been there for me all my life, will tell you in a heartbeat that Her Tracey is her favorite, *smiles* even though she loves her other grand-children and great grandchildren also.. I've always had a special bond with my grandmother.. So as I've gotten older I've always told her NO matter what if you need me call me I will be there... I've managed to do that.. and I have to be there even more now, cause those two weeks ago, she was diagnosed with leukemia.. they thought it was early enough that even though she's 82 yrs old, it would be treated with minimal fuss... Well as we all know life is never that simple.. It's progressed faster then they thought it would, and the one chemo pill they wanted her to take a week ago, has turned into two.. they've gone from giving her months and years to weeks... I found this out yesterday. So needless to say I'm praying for her too...

While I'm doing all this praying for everyone else I throw a few in there for us too, not sure if you guys remember me talkin about my husband hurting his ankle a yr ago at work, having two surgeries in Dec. and going to therapy to try to build the strength back, well its just over a year now and he had to go have a functions test this past Wednesday.. See Josh is a lineman for the power company, and to do his job, he has to be able to climb very high poles to be able to fix folks electric issues and outages.. When he went for his last visit to the surgeon, we found out he's as healed as he will ever be, the therapist that just did the work functions test for him on this past Wednesday told him he will never climb poles again... So basically we are in limbo waiting to see if the company he works for will find him another job within the company or hell I'm not sure what else is on the table right now.. SO We take it one day at a time.. and try not to worry that this is our lives hangin in the balance of this ladies report... Time will tell...

I know this was supposed to be about wishes, and turned out to be more about prayers.. SO I guess my wish is that all these people I'm praying for, will have what they need, the strength, time, and whatever else is out there for them... to live and do what needs to be done... And for them all to know.. that they are loved, and that they have folks in for real, cause online is as real to me as my family here is.. that are there for them when they need us... No matter what is going on in our lives... Ok time for me to end this very long blog of mine... Love you guys... huggsssss

My Sunday wish …

I have really been thinking about this since I made the intro post a few days ago .

I have thought of so many things that would be really special to me.

Things that are from my real … some things that involve online …

I thought about my Dad. I lost him a few years back … a BIG loss. Have gone through the grieving process … stepped up to the plate for my mom that was left behind for now … managed to keep a tight ship for her so she didn’t have to worry … and I survived one of life’s most devastating events ...the loss of not only a parent … but a best friend ... the backbone of our family. My thought was on him. How I would like to sit on the back porch with him if only for a few minutes…

I thought about my buddy that was killed in this crazy war. I thought about how much he would love to see my God-son, his son that he left behind. Chip off the old block. Maybe the wish should go to him to be able to see what a nice young man he fathered…

I thought about Me. A partner in life. I need to settle down. Take a wife and prepare for my ‘golden years’ … maybe a self serving wish was in order…

I thought about a few people that I have met from online.

Most of you know about ‘Just call me Em’ … one of the most precious personalities that a chat room could ever have. She found out she was ill … was too late to have any treatment … will be a year in November … it would be kind of nice to hear her silly ass giggle and hear her call my music 'Schmuck music' … But then I thought to myself ... she was ready. No regrets she said…

Then I thought about a lady that is the stuff good things come from …

I don’t know why … it’s not for me to know why.

In the spiritual ways that count I believe she would be ready if it were her time to leave this earthly life.

But as a mother, a wife, a friend and all things in between … she says she is not finished. She still has babies to get through school … grandbabies to rock …friends to grow old with and a husband to make her crazy.

She still has the fight … the will … the need … and the undeniable right to live to see all of the things that are not fulfilled yet completed.

Everything, even the things that I didn’t list above as to my "Sunday Wish” … they have all gone full circle or they will when the time is right.

For me …if I could have one wish above all wishes it would be that that Lady from Erie PA. come back from Texas with a healing that deems her cancer free.

Leaving her able to do all the things a woman is suppose to do as she lives a full productive life.

That she be allowed to complete the most precious gift she was given … that of being a mother.

That’s my ‘Sunday Wish’ …

Love ya Deb


Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Wish......

Scott.Lee has given us a lot of challenges with this blog...a list of our favorite things...words to describe ourselves..coming up with pictures of head, animal sex and nipples...the alphabet game, but I have found this to be the hardest one of them all. I have listened to songs, I have read poetry, I have tried to put my own thoughts into words and nothing seems appropriate. All of us face challenges in our lives, each one different. This blog puts things into perspective. I wonder about how I will make it through the next 90 days til I can go home to see my family. I think of those of you who have children and the challenges and responsibilities you face and don't know how you handle it. And Deb, I pray for you every day...hoping that someone is listening and that my prayers are answered.

My wish, my hope and my dream for all of us is that one year from today, we will all be here...smiling...laughing...(having Scott.Lee recite the alphabet correctly) ..proving that in our own way, we are all survivors...that because of our own inner strengths and the support of the friendships we have formed here, we can accomplish what sometimes seems impossible.

I wish that I could cause the sun
To warm the world with love
Remove the clouds a moment
To reveal the stars above

I wish that I could wipe that tear
From the corner of your eye
Bring happiness for your sorrow
Bring a smile for your sigh

I wish that I could better things
Put hope within your heart
Make today the best you've had
Right from its' very start

I wish that I were able
To make your dream come true
I wish I could - I wish I could
Do all these things for you

Remember ...

Never forget those that lost their lives ... never forget those that are fighting for your home ...

Come on down Dreambaby !

Watch out MD Anderson / Houston Texas ... here she comes !

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dreamy likes this stuff ...


Friday Funny

Guys PLEASE watch this.. I laughed so hard, I cried.. then I showed it to Kelly... my stomach is still hurting... TOO funny

NAME that Tune!

pretty thing in blue jeans ... with a daisy in her hair ...

Make a wish Sunday ...

Think about it ...on sunday post a wish here for someone online ... lets just see what we come up with ... NOT now ... on Sunday.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where to start.....?

Most of you know that I battled breast cancer this past year. I came away from it all with a good feeling and clean bill of health in May.
I was shocked when my PET scan in August showed more than 20 nodules in my lungs, consistent with metastatic breast cancer. I have had biopsies that were inconclusive due to lack of enough tissue to evaluate. I am supposed to have another biopsy soon, this time involving surgery to go in and remove the largest of the nodules. No idea when.
I am leaving this weekend for MD Anderson hospital in Houston for a second opinion. I will be there a week or so. I am hoping they have something postive to say and do. All this uncertainty is driving me crazy.
My dr here says that IF it is cancer.... it is not "curable". It is stage 4 cancer. It CAN be managed to a certain extent. The type and the way it responds to treatment will determine how long it stays manageable.
It's so hard to wrap my head around my own mortality. Thank God for good drugs and great friends and family.
The main point of this is to ask for your prayers and good thoughts in the months to come. I will need every bit of positive energy I can get. I plan on fighting like hell. My babies aren't grown yet and they will need me for a time. I still have weddings and grandbabies to see!

Please get that good mojo going! I'll update when I can. Even though I drop in here from time to time...I just don't have much to add right now. Keep posting....makes me smile.

Hugs to all....

Easy one, but the image inspired it...

From somewhere outside I hear a street vendor cry, "Filet gumbo"
From my window I see him going down the street and he don't know
That we fell right to sleep in the damp tangled sheets so soon....

Cause I just like it

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Good luck with this one...

Artwork from : Hackberry Street Studio

"She still is a beautiful woman in the lights of the Texas dance hall."

Back when ....

I don't ever want to get to where I can remember the good times ...

... lovin in the lake ...

... pimpin in the pool ...

... teasin in the travel trailer out back ...

... playin peek-a-boo ...

... and humpin in the hammock ...


*grinz* I decided instead of doing the lyrics I'd just put the whole damn song.. sides it's a cute fun song.. lol and Scotty and look at the purty ladies ;) ... Don't say I don't look out for ya Scotty Lee... *grinz*

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

NAME that Tune!

"I'm just a virgin on my way ... to be laid..."

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. ~Confucius

The alphabet is now history (with a few hot flashes left in our minds) and it is time to move on.

I love music, it can be so soothing, so romantic, so much fun. My collection consists of a wide variation...from Tim McGraw (THE HOTTEST MAN IN THE COUNTRY) to Seger and Springsteen...and yes I love my Tchaikovsky Golden Classics CD at the right time too. I even listen to Glenn Miller now and then - makes me think of my parents and the dance lessons they gave each of us in the kitchen. I took voice lessons for six years in school and loved the musicals we put on. Would you believe I was the hussie Ado Annie in Oklahoma (shy and quiet me playing a roll like that!)

So...if you want, I think we should play a little game...called

Name that Tune...

Just post some lyrics and we'll see where it goes. Heck..we could string them all together and make up our own song! And the best part...there is no specific order for the notes to be in, so a certain tall man with a stache who rides a horse, lives in Texas and loves any size tits (I won't say his name to embarrass him) won't get confused!

my tongue gets tied
and thats no lie
Im looking in your eyes


Like "In the zone" or "erogenous zones". I think this image has both covered.

Monday, September 6, 2010


lol Scotty took Zipper... and zapped is that feeling you get when you see that certain person... or get that certain feeling.. *grinz* ..

Y~ Eating at the Y

The Missing Y

X ~ X-treme

I think I am allergic ...

I do have an allergic reaction to drinks with Rum ...

It's not the Rum ... it's all those tissue umbrellas and edible flowers ...