Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remember ...

Never forget those that lost their lives ... never forget those that are fighting for your home ...

1 comment:

  1. *Chillbumps*
    Not just our homes, but our way of life.
    The freedoms that we so often take for granted living here under the blanket of protection that our Constitution provides and that our men and women in uniform protect.
    I was reminded this morning of a former coworker and friend who was born in Burma and later lived in Iran. When the Shah was overthrown, she fled along with her husband and toddler, and was forced to jump--in the dark--from a moving train because they'd gotten word that soldiers were shooting people at the next stop. She was 8 months pregnant. I can't even imagine the terror she experienced.

    I'm so grateful to have been born where I was, when I was.
