Sunday, September 12, 2010


I've been thinking about this for a long time, its kinda wild that Scotty would ask us to make a Sunday wish, when I've been wishing, hoping and praying for quite a few things lately in my life here at home and my online life and friends. I've tried not to be selfish with my wishes, and in all honesty I don't think they are... but maybe just a tad.. the selfish part being that I want all these wishes to help keep family and friends close to me for a very long time.

I try not to talk about things that are going on here at home, cause there are folks out there dealing with situations that would bring some of the strongest people I know to their knee's and I have the utmost respect for them. So when I include Miss. Deb/Dreamy in my prayers at night, she is in there with some people that are very VERY near and dear to me..

See Josh's grandma has been fighting her cancer for three years now, they gave her six months when she was first diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, the chemo she took, helped slow it down a lot, then they found more cancer in her collar bone, she's taking more chemo, she's decided shes' just not ready to stop fighting either, *soft smiles* She will be having her 75th birthday on Sept. 16 (the day after mine)... So I pray for her... His granddad was just diagnosed with lung cancer, on top of having crippling arthritis, and taking care of Glenna (the grandma I just mentioned).. I've seen how they love, care for and worry about each other.. goes to show that love may grow older, but it doesn't' dye or fade. I pray for him and hope we all are helping.. We do what we can to make their lives a little easier.. Josh's aunt, the one that is 6 yrs older then he is.. and 4 yrs younger then I am.. has just been diagnosed with MS.. so we're trying to help the family deal with this too...

These folks may not be my blood family, but they are as much my family as my blood family is... they've been wonderful to me.. I will make damn sure I give and help as much as I can... and then some.

On my side of the family, I just found out about two weeks ago that my nanny, the woman who has been there for me all my life, will tell you in a heartbeat that Her Tracey is her favorite, *smiles* even though she loves her other grand-children and great grandchildren also.. I've always had a special bond with my grandmother.. So as I've gotten older I've always told her NO matter what if you need me call me I will be there... I've managed to do that.. and I have to be there even more now, cause those two weeks ago, she was diagnosed with leukemia.. they thought it was early enough that even though she's 82 yrs old, it would be treated with minimal fuss... Well as we all know life is never that simple.. It's progressed faster then they thought it would, and the one chemo pill they wanted her to take a week ago, has turned into two.. they've gone from giving her months and years to weeks... I found this out yesterday. So needless to say I'm praying for her too...

While I'm doing all this praying for everyone else I throw a few in there for us too, not sure if you guys remember me talkin about my husband hurting his ankle a yr ago at work, having two surgeries in Dec. and going to therapy to try to build the strength back, well its just over a year now and he had to go have a functions test this past Wednesday.. See Josh is a lineman for the power company, and to do his job, he has to be able to climb very high poles to be able to fix folks electric issues and outages.. When he went for his last visit to the surgeon, we found out he's as healed as he will ever be, the therapist that just did the work functions test for him on this past Wednesday told him he will never climb poles again... So basically we are in limbo waiting to see if the company he works for will find him another job within the company or hell I'm not sure what else is on the table right now.. SO We take it one day at a time.. and try not to worry that this is our lives hangin in the balance of this ladies report... Time will tell...

I know this was supposed to be about wishes, and turned out to be more about prayers.. SO I guess my wish is that all these people I'm praying for, will have what they need, the strength, time, and whatever else is out there for them... to live and do what needs to be done... And for them all to know.. that they are loved, and that they have folks in for real, cause online is as real to me as my family here is.. that are there for them when they need us... No matter what is going on in our lives... Ok time for me to end this very long blog of mine... Love you guys... huggsssss


  1. Wishing, praying...there's not that much difference really.
    Holding you and yours in the Light.

  2. *smiles* ... you know the one.

  3. ok i goin to get a regilious on you *big smiles*, I know there is awhole lot more but everything is in God's hands. Trust me i've been there, go through it everyday. the hardest part is knowing that He will take care of everything and we just have to let him. And He will take care of everything!! i believe that with everything that i have. i loves ya bunches tray!!
