Saturday, July 23, 2011

10 things a woman would do if she had a co errr dick ...

1. I'd always wear my jeans a size too tight so ladies could see my package...

2. In the winter I'd practice writing my name in the snow.. *grinz* and sometimes use a ladies hand to do this.

3. I'd make sure I reach down there and shift that bad boy, in public and not care who was lookin.

4.I'd be able to use Scotty's urinal if I ever went to visit.

5. Whenever I went into lit I'd tell the ladies I had 10 inches instead of the lit 14 and 15, I'd wanna be believable.

6. I'd finally figure out if a "jock strap and cup" are really for protection or to make the ladies think he's bigger then he is.

7. Get a blowjob.

8. Figure out a way to actually PEE in the hole of the toilet and not all over it.

9. See if I really get light headed when all that blood rushes down to fill him up.

10. Spend every waking moment trying to figure out how to get into a vagina.